New Printable Time Sheets

by Kay on April 11, 2014

Whether you’re a freelancer calculating your own hours, an HR representative in charge of hundreds of paychecks, or a student who is just learning the ropes of time sheet organization, I have a template for you in my batch of 21 new time sheets at

Students newly involved in driving, sports, or work will enjoy the colorful time sheets for track-and-field PR, internship hours, and driver’s ed. The driving time sheet helps make sure that new drivers have met all the requirements for hours including night, day, and varying road conditions.
If you’ve checked out some of my monthly time sheets, you might have noticed that if you check in at “9:00 a.m.” and check out at “4:00 p.m.”, the time sheet will automatically calculate the number of hours you worked. Now I have new versions of those same time sheets, except that these also work for anyone working the night shift from late night to early morning.

In addition to night workers and students, I also have time sheets for travelers who want to track their mileage and expenses, as well as templates for babysitters, hospital workers, and workers with multiple projects. has 136 daily, weekly, and monthly time sheets for any purpose. The PDF version can be printed out and written on, but the XLS has extra features for only $9. With Microsoft Excel, the XLS version will automatically calculate hours, breaks, wages, taxes and more.

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