New Printable Signs

by Kay on June 5, 2014

I am pleased to announce that I’ve added 60 new printable signs to in two categories. It has always seemed to me that neither libraries nor fundraisers have large budgets to spend, and therefore would need signs that are not only readily available, but free as well.
I’ve added 32 library signs that can point patrons to the checkout line, the reference desk, children’s books, magazines and films. There are also a number of helpful cataloguing signs for arranging reading material with the Dewey Decimal System.

The other new category is dedicated to fundraiser signs. As a dad, I know that raising money for school funds or extracurricular activities can take up a lot of time and require a lot of resources. That’s why I made these signs as attractive and eye-catching as possible, while leaving blank spaces for people to fill in specific information. There are signs for raffles, spaghetti feeds, pajama days and bingo, all decorated with bright, colorful pictures.
Overall, there are more than 3,500 signs to choose from at There are a lot of road signs, danger signs and caution sides for safety purposes. There are also language, pool and recycling signs for everyday use. The files are free to download and print as PDFs. An editable DOC file is also available for $1.99 and can be customized in Microsoft Word.

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