New Printable Rulers

by Kay on October 8, 2015 only went up a few months ago, but it’s already a great resource for students, teachers, and hobbyists! That’s why I’ve already added a new batch of 42 printable rulers that measure different lengths in a variety of scales.

I already have a new category just for layout rulers. These are intended for people in the publishing business, such as editors, designers, and typists. The 10-inch rulers are perfect for figuring out page layout and typeset.
There are a lot of specialty rulers designed just for engineers, architects, train model builders, and artists. You can find rulers that use 144th scale, N scale, and even different shapes, such as triangles and business cards.

Finally, the student rulers that cover six inches in increments of anywhere between 1/4 and 1/60 of an inch.

Always print the 62 rulers from at 100 percent scale. All are free to download and print.

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