Printable Contracts

by Kay on October 4, 2016

I’ve added a couple of dozen more printable contracts and agreements to They’re completely free to download, edit, and use in your personal and business dealings.

The new additions include: a template for canceling a lease, a product review contract, corporate bylaws, a contract change order, a music lesson contract, a publishing contract, and a housekeeping contract. There are new events contracts for makeup, bartending, craft fairs, security, transportation, party supplies, portraits, flowers, and more.

I’ve also added agreements that address personal relationships such as marriage, breakups, and parenting. has sample contracts for household services, employment, professional services, real estate, sales and business partnerships, plus warranties, health and medical directives, wills, employee agreements, debt and loan paperwork, personal relationship agreements, and liability releases.

There are agreements with kids and and teenagers for home or school, covering stuff like responsibility, behavior, cell phone use, curfews, and driving. (Keep in mind, contracts with children probably aren’t legally binding, and in fact nothing at should be construed as legal advice; you’ll need to consult a lawyer for that.) also articles with advice about how contracts are written, the different types of contracts, and other tips.

There are now 400 printables at the site. They can be downloaded instantly in DOC (Microsoft Word) format.

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