Support With Patreon Pledge

by Kay on January 20, 2017

For more than a decade, my websites have served up fun and useful printables. They’ve saved businesses time, helped teachers save money, kept kids entertained, and made holidays run a little more smoothly. I’m proud of, and the fact that there’s a free version of each of the nearly 42,000 printables I offer at my 100 sites. Now, after many requests by site users, I’ve added an option to support the creation of even more printables with a monthly pledge via Patreon.

I’m glad fans want to contribute, because the truth is, online publishing isn’t the most lucrative game in town – especially since the advent of ad-blocking software and Google’s ever-changing algorithms. Add to that the everyday costs of doing business, such as web hosting fees and design software, and it’s not easy to add new printables at the same pace I did a few years ago.

In addition to the free versions, some of my sites offer a premium upgrade to an editable version of a form, chart, certificate, or other printable, and that revenue helps support the sites, too. Between that and the ads, I’m still able to offer free versions of all the existing printables. What I’m not as confident about is the volume of new stuff I’ll be able to add. By supporting via a Patreon pledge, you’ll help make it possible for me to bring you more and more printables in the future.

There are levels of support for all budgets, starting at just $1 per month. A pledge of $2 per month grants “ad blocker absolution” for those who feel a bit of guilt of accessing sites without ads. For $11 a month, you can be among the first to see what new printables I’m working on. The upper levels of support earn access to premium collections, including printables on CD. Or, have your name (or, if approved, business name) featured on You can see all of the support tiers on the Patreon page.

Remember, everything that’s free now will stay free. That means you can still instantly download and print the free versions of the forms, charts, activities, papers, holiday printables, and other items. My hope is simply that I won’t have to scale back on adding new printables.

Thanks for considering a pledge, and thanks to those who have emailed me over the years with appreciation, feedback, and suggestions. But if a printable has ever gotten you out of a jam at work or school, saved you a trip to the store, kept your kid out of mischief, or otherwise enriched your life in some small way, please take a look at the options on the Patreon page.

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