Free Printable Holiday Shopping Lists and Menu Planners

by Kay on December 16, 2011

Is your holiday shopping done? Do you know what’s on the menu for Christmas dinner, Hanukkah, or other winter celebrations this year? I recently added new printable shopping lists, menu planners, and other seasonal printables to

The holiday menu planners come in colorful, illustrated as well as plain varieties and are great for making sure you never forget and ingredient or special dish.

Christmas menu planner

The site also has handy, helpful printables for you “extreme couponers” out there (they work for casual couponers as well – you don’t have to be extreme if you don’t want to). List weekly deals, compare prices, and so on. There are other grocery lists, trackers, and forms to save you time and money, such as freezer and pantry inventory lists and a party planner.

Did I mention everything at is free? Yup. You can download and print a PDF and write on it or opt for the DOC version if you want to type into the list first using Microsoft Word. Have fun shopping and saving!

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