Free Printable Contracts and Policies

by Kay on February 11, 2014

Company policies are important documents that outline what employees are expected to do (or not do) a work. However, a lot of smaller businesses have to make their own. With that in mind, has 37 new printable contracts available, many of which cover company policies. Others address personal relationships, self-improvement, and specific events or jobs.

The new policy contracts or agreements are great as memos or templates to post in employee handbooks. They outline company protocol concerning computer use, company property, overtime, discipline, whistle blowing, drug and alcohol use, and more. Each company can customize the contract to outline their specific restrictions, violations, punishments and procedures.

Personal relationship can get tense at times, and communication becomes key for harmonious living. That’s why I have family contracts for spouses, partners, parents and children. These include agreements for conflict resolution, cohabitation, and academic improvement. There are also a few for self-help, such as quitting smoking, eating right, and exercising.

Contractors and other freelance professionals can now download contracts for weddings, dog breeding, art commissions, indemnification and stock certificates. While more formal and business-oriented in nature, these should be used for informational purposes and not as substitutes for official legal advice. All told, there are 250 contracts available for personal or business purposes. All of them can be downloaded and edited as a customizable DOC file.

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