Printable To Do Lists and Planners

by Kay on March 6, 2017

I’ve added handy new printables to my websites and I hope these to do lists and planners will help you stay organized. As much as I love computers, there’s something I find super satisfying about checking tasks off a list, or getting my intentions down on paper.

At, you’ll find lists ranging from simple checklists to holiday lists.

There are 24 new to do lists at the site all told. They include school assignment lists for students and teachers as well as lists with icons of daily activities. There’s also a “Do It” list and a “Done and Done” list.

I’ve added more blank lists that have more than one list on each page as well as colorful lists and a seven-day to do list. The new complex lists are designed for house hunting, moving, landscaping, and specific projects. now has 658 planner pages, the bulk of which are simple daily planner refills for 10 sizes of ringed planners.

The site also has standalone journal pages and five- and 10-year journals in which each page has a day of the year (Jan. 1, Jan. 2, and so on) with a few lines to record thoughts or events on each day. These are fun and handy to look back on years later. The five- and 10-year journals are free to download and print in a PDF version you can write on by hand, or $4 for an editable DOC you can type info before printing.’s planner refill page designs include daily, weekly, and monthly calendars plus phone lists, grid pages, and specialty note paper. The refills are free to print individually, or $9 to conveniently download an entire set at once.

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