If you have a graduate of any age or stage, head to the FreePrintable.net websites for hundreds of printables.
Teachers, parents, and others can download graduation-themed items for preschool, high school, college, and so on. There are free versions of every printable.
FreePrintableCertificates.net has printable diplomas with cute graphics for kids and formal illustrations for higher levels of education. The site has promotion certificates for specific grade levels as well as achievement awards for school subjects, sports, academic achievement, and attendance. Each printable certificate is free to download as a PDF file (write on it by hand after printing). If you’d like to type into the certificate before printing, choose the $5 premium DOC version that can by edited in Microsoft Word.
At FreePrintableGiftTags.net, there’s a nice selection of graduation gift tags with full-color of grads and their gear. The tags are free as PDF or DOC files.
PageBorders.net has a few graduation borders and there’s a full-color graduation party flyer at PrintableFlyerTemplates.net.