I’ve added even more family trees, genealogy charts, and other memory-keeping tools to FamilyTreeTemplates.net. There are now nearly 450 items from which to choose, each with a free version to instantly download and print.
The newest genealogy printables join a selection that ranges from cute, colorful trees for school projects to detailed research forms for genealogists of any level.
I’ve added a new category to the site especially for Family Memories Forms. The memory form sheets have an attractive, cohesive design. Put several together and you have a meaningful booklet for gift-giving. Each page has several themed prompts in question-and-answer format so you can interview family members or ask them to fill it out when they get a chance. The topics range from military history to favorite childhood toys to birthplaces. There are 20 forms in all.

You’ll also find several new fan designs that take up three-quarters of a page and span three to six generations. These are a complement to the site’s selection of hourglass, fan, bowtie, radial and circular style designs.
FamilyTreeTemplates.net has fun and formal multi-generation designs, all the way up to 12 generations, many with room to add vital statisticcs. Some can be printed in poster size.
The site also has keepsake ancestry charts, frameable trees for weddings and family reunions, and charts for school projects. There are trees for special family situations as well as designs for pets.
There’s a free PDF version of everything at FamilyTreeTemplates.net, and most designs have a $4 editable option that users can type into before printing.