New Printable Time Cards

by Kay on July 29, 2011

Home assistance time card

The time has come – to add new time card variations to This site, which complements the selection at, offers 28 time card templates to instantly download and print.

The new time cards include new five-day and one-week time cards, cards on which to note job sites or shifts, and more. There are a dozen new cards altogether.

There’s also a variation in which time of day worked (am or pm) can be filled in using “bubbles.” There’s also a time card specifically for cleaners, so housekeepers or custodians can mark off what they spent time cleaning. Similarly, there are job-specific forms for home assistance workers (such as private nurses), salespersons, and temp agencies. There are also two truck driver logs.

All of the time cards are free in PDF format. If you’d like the ability to edit the forms before printing, such as changing words around or typing in a company name and address, opt for the $7 premium DOC download for Microsoft Word.

And get to work!

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